I was wondering, if it is possible to automatic update status field. I got a base with a cell call “support” and another cell call “due date”, and i want that the status cell updates according with these conditions:
When “support” is fill update status to complete
When “support” is not fill update status as in progress.
When the “due date” is reach and the “support” cell is blank mark as incomplete.
Yes, those triggers are possible in Airtable’s automation (paid account is needed).
Trigger: “when a record matches conditions” > "where ‘support’ is not empty (I’m presuming this is a checkbox field)
Action: “update record” > select “status” field and input “checked” so the checkmark is added
Same, but trigger is “where ‘support’ is empty” and leave input under “status” field empty
Trigger: “when a record matches conditions” > "where ‘Today’ (=> create a formula field, eg, “Today”, with IF({due date}=TODAY(),"deadline" as a formula) is ‘deadline’ "
“where ‘support’ is empty”
Action: “update record” > select “status” field and leave input under “status” field empty