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Automating Email templates and attachments

Topic Labels: Automations
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Hello Everyone,

I have a base with various scenarios, each of which has a template field and a field for attachments.

I'd like to be able to create an automation that will open the current users email client and insert the relevant template and attachment.

So far I've been able use the "mailto:" protocol to do as much with the written template but this doesn't support attachments. The email account can change depending on who is logged in to the database.

TL;DR: I need to automate opening the users current email client and inserting the relevant attachment from the database record.

1 Reply 1

Using the “mailto” protocol is as far as you can go with Airtable to communicate with a desktop email client, and as you’ve discovered, that protocol doesn’t support attachments.

I would recommend sending an email to to request that they add a feature to communicate with desktop email clients, similar to how FileMaker can do this. 

The best you can do is trigger an automation with Make’s advanced automations for Airtable to put an email with an attachment into the user’s Drafts folder, but it won’t launch their email client for them. They would have to open up their drafts folder to find the email. 

Hope this helps!

— ScottWorld, Expert Airtable Consultant