I’m trying to come up with a document tracking system with (Integromat,Dropbox,Airtable) and I’m trying to automate creating new records in airtable when added to dropbox and then assign a value to a linked field based on the folder the file is saved to.
In airtable I have two tables; Jobs, Attachments with linked filed to jobs.
I have dropbox watch folder (yes to subfolders). When a new file is added to dropbox job subfolder a new record is created with path, this value stored in “path”:
/clients/3d/3d tracker/3d projects/21-982:
Is it possible to create an automation that will assign the value of the linked filed to job 21-982 by breaking the path and matching the final folder? I’m guessing there is some regx here, which I’m not very capable of.
Any tips or links to samples that could help me. Thanks!