
Interactive Ratings in Interface?

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6 - Interface Innovator
6 - Interface Innovator

Owner asked for a place to view all marketing assets. Mainly graphics at the moment. I added fields for ratings and feedback notes. Is it possible to display assets in my interface while also allowing him to adjust ratings and add notes? Otherwise it seems creating and giving him access to a gallery view is the best approach to gather his feedback.

2 Replies 2

Hi Dustin, seems like the Record Review layout and setting the specific fields you want to “Editable” should do what you’re looking for?

Screen Recording 2022-11-13 at 11.09.08 PM

This did the trick. At first it wasn’t changing after I switched the specific fields to “editable” rather than “read-only”, however after adjusting all fields then reverting those I wanted to only be “read-only” it finally allowed me to edit ratings and comment field.