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Linked Record Automation

Topic Labels: Automations
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6 - Interface Innovator
6 - Interface Innovator


I have 3 tables which are linked to each other 

  1. Customers 
  2. Invoices 
  3. Budget vs. Costs 

The Invoices table is my catalyst. 

I have created an automation to update the linked record field in the Invoices as follows 

  1. created a new formula field that generates the right text to go into that linked record field. 
  2. an automation that triggers whenever a specific field in the Invoices table is updated & then copy/pastes the info from the formula field into the linked record field

I’ve since had my obvious flaw pointed out in that this method isn’t reliable as the text of the field I want to link to might change and therefore the formula field would become invalid and the automation would breaking down. The suggested solution was to use Record ID instead as it's much more reliable than text. 

I don’t know how to do this and would welcome a step by step guide (for an automation novice) on how to set up this automation using Record ID as opposed to me formula field.

Thank you

2 Replies 2

Hmm, the shared views don't indicate the field types.  Which field in "Invoices" is the formula field?  Is it that every time an Invoice is created, you want it to be linked to the appropriate "Customer" record and have a new "Budget vs Costs" record created? 

Could you talk a bit about your business case?  Knowing what you're trying to do helps a lot with suggesting possible workflows

Hello Adam, 

I have actually since found a solution, using the Record ID. 

Thank you all the same for taking the time to look at and consider my question.