Jun 22, 2023 08:55 AM
Hello community,
I am a part of a family office specializing in Commercial Real Estate investment, and we're currently working on setting up a streamlined workflow to efficiently manage our investment closing processes.
We have a 'pipeline' base that tracks all of our potential investments. As an investment reaches a particular status within this pipeline, we want it to automatically generate a predefined set of tasks in a separate 'workflow' base. These tasks should be assigned to specific users and tagged with the corresponding investment.
In our 'workflow' base, we've already set up a table that lists template tasks to be completed for each investment.
We're looking for a way to automate the process such that when an investment hits a certain stage, the system pulls the template tasks from the 'workflow' base and adds them to another table. This should be done while ensuring each task is uniquely associated with its respective investment. This functionality is crucial as we often have multiple investments closing simultaneously and need to avoid any confusion.
Could anyone guide us on how to set up such an automation? Your help will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
Jun 22, 2023 09:24 AM
I'm happy to lend some help! Would you be interested in having a conversation?
Jun 23, 2023 04:08 AM
Given that you already have the template tasks set up, I think all you'll need is an automation that'll trigger when it hits that status like you mentioned, and it would have:
1. "Find record" action that'll find all the template tasks
2. A repeating group with a "Create record" action in it, that will create one record per found template task inside the table you want
Should do what you need