
Category field that, based on category value selected, will display list of relevant sub categories

Topic Labels: Data Formulas Workflow Design
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Apologize for this possibly simplistic question, but here goes:

I want to create a field that is a Category, that based on the category value selected, will ONLY display a list of relevant Sub Category values for the selected category. 

EXAMPLE (Simplified)

1.  I have a field that is Product Category - it has two values: Mobile, Home.

2. If you pick Home for Product Category, for the Product Sub Category, I would want to display the Home Sub Category values. (Wireless, Wireline, Other services)

3. To take it one step further, I would also like the Product Sub Category could have  Product Sub Category 2, that would show ONLY relevant values based on the Product Sub Category. (eg. Home > Wireline > 5G Router, 4G Router, Extender, etc.)

Is there a way to set up a table to have this hierarchical relationship. Do I need to refer one table to another, etc.? How do I do this in Airtable? I would prefer to have the values exist in a table and not buried in a formula for visibility and ease of use.

Thanks in advance

1 Reply 1

Yes, you would set this up with dynamic linked record fields. More details here:

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