Probably several ways to do this and may get differing answers. Here is one way
- Departments table
- DeptID
- DepartmentName
- DepartmentContact
- DepartmentContactEmail/Slack
- Other Dept data
- Projects
- ProjectID
- ProjectName
- other project stuff
- Contract stuff, payment status
- TaskIDs (link to Tasks table, allow linking to multiple)
- Tasks
- TaskID
- TaskPhase (Contract, Landed, In progress, Completed)
- TaskStatus (Complete, assigned, etc.)
- StartDate
- EndDate
- DepartmentID/Assignee
- TaskStatus
- Any necessary lookups to Projects table or Dept table
-->Setup Kanban views on this table filtered by dept with the kanban being based on
Setup record template such that when a project is created, all associated contract (dept1) tasks are also created in an incomplete status in the Tasks table & automations such that dept1 is notified.
Then setup automations to handle the logic of...
If last task in contract (dept1) phase completes, spawn all tasks for dept2 in next stage with status of incomplete. Send email or other notification to dept2. Repeat for dept3.