Hello there,
I'm starting to migrate from an old Access database to Airtable. Part of this Access DB was used to track a number of groups and the days/times they meet per week.
The data is in two tables, Groups and Meetings. Groups is just a list of groups which has a one-to-many relationship with Meetings which is a matrix of a time-of-day and day-of-week:

It shows in a report like below. The letters in the boxes are different meeting formats:

I have imported the data into AT and linked the two tables. The issue is that all of the time-of-day and day-of-week data is getting combined into fields. I understand that is what is supposed to happen. Is there any way to link records and keep them separated in a one-to-many relation?
Here is a link to a Base with the sample data: https://airtable.com/applQ22GX9Mh4QaAI/shraUgGlLA5zlOKoi
Thank you for any insight you may be able to provide!