Nov 15, 2022 05:44 PM
In my training base, my tables are “Tasks,” where I assign their program. The linked field, “Elink” looks at the table “Employees.” The primary field in the employee’s table is the four-digit code. I have their full name listed in a separate field. How can I see the employee’s code & name in the Elink field when I look it up in the “Tasks” table? Wendy
Nov 15, 2022 08:27 PM
A common convention in this kind of scenario is:
{EmployeeID} & ": " & {Employee Name}
You’ll need to replace {EmployeeID}
and {Employee Name}
with the names of your fields.
8213: Jane Doe
” in your Elink field.Nov 16, 2022 09:09 AM
Thanks, Nathaniel. That will work and I didn’t know it would search by name or code! But, I copy and paste records into that table using the linked field (i.e. 1234,5678,9999,etc). If I change the primary to a longer format will I lose the capability to copy and paste, or import, using only the four-digit code?
Nov 16, 2022 10:14 AM
Indeed, not only will you no longer be able to paste the 4-digit value to create new Employee records you also won’t be able to paste to create records at all as Airtable does not have a way to parse your value into the fields that make up the formula. Pasting will still work as a way to link existing records but only if you refer to them by their full record name (i.e. ‘8213: John Doe’).
Sometimes, I’ll temporarily adjust the structure of my table to do a pasted import:
For me, my usage of the table depends on which way I set it up:
Nov 16, 2022 11:03 AM
Thank you for your detailed responses! - Wendy