
Re: One view to see multiple Interfaces?

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4 - Data Explorer

Wondering if anybody has the same challenge, or has thought of a solution/workaround to help monitor Interfaces across multiple Bases?

My team manages many similar projects that we run for multiple clients, and for confidentiality reasons the data for each project should be stored in its own individual Base. In each Base, we have data to report on overall project status which we currently present in an Interface.

Now, our project managers find themselves needing to understand holistically the status of 20+ projects, but now must manually locate and open 20+ Interfaces to view each one. This is something they must do on a daily basis.

Does anybody have a solution to bring all the Interfaces one would like to continuously monitor into one singular location? 

3 Replies 3


I think you can explore two solutions.

One would be to synchronise the required tables from the different databases to a single base and to build the global interface on this synchronised base.

Another solution would be to insert butons in the global interface that allow to navigate from global interface to "local" interface (by passing the URL).

The issue with this solution is that you would also need to insert a button "go back to global" in each local interface, button that will be seen by all users even if they do not have the rights to access the global interface.



Pascal -- Thanks for your input! Any tips how to synchronise the required tables from the different bases? What mechanism would we use for this?


Firstly, you need to create a new database, lets call it "Global view".

Once you have donethis, go on one of the tables that you want to synchronyse and do the following:

Click on "Share and Sync":


Select the option "Sync data to another Base":


Activate option "Allow data in this view to be synced with other bases":


Click "Sync this view":


Select the workspace and the destination database:


This way, data from the source database will be synced into the "Global view" database.

Depending on your data structure, you can sync your different databases into a single table.

