Nov 19, 2024 12:22 PM
I am trying to create a base/table to track promotional inventory on a website.
Currently I have a table with the following fields
Nov 19, 2024 05:46 PM
re: track which promotions we have running at a given time
What issues did you face with doing this? This is difficult to help with as it's quite tied with your business logic, so if you can talk about the problems you're having that'd be useful
re: Track the usage of each promotional element
I'd recommend a table where each record represents the Start <> End usage of a single element for this, and a table where each record represents a single element:
re: Limit usage of a given element if we are oversold
This one's tricky. You're going to need to either eyeball the usage yourself via a Calendar / Timeline element before creating the records, or create a system to help you check whether new sales you make have any conflicts with existing usage and then reject stuff
Nov 20, 2024 12:13 PM
Sounds like I am on the right track. I currently have a table with each record being a promotion with start and end dates. Now it sounds like I will need another table with records being each element then link the promotion to the element.
Where things get tricky is I then want to be able to limit each element to only 1 promotion at a given time. So something would need to move them on and off. Additionally I would like a way to alert me if I'm trying to add too many promotions to a given element at a specific time. Maybe a formula?
Nov 21, 2024 12:53 AM
re: Additionally I would like a way to alert me if I'm trying to add too many promotions to a given element at a specific time. Maybe a formula?
Hmm yeah, I can't think of how to do this with a formula I'm afraid. I'd either eyeball it with a Calendar/Timeline view or write a script for it