Apr 21, 2023 01:14 AM
I am new to Airtable and I am trying to recreate something I have done in Excel (see attached image)
I have a uniclass 2015 system list of Codes that cascade down and have a relationship with each other, as shown in the image you have a group that has a sub-group which then has a section and then objects.
what I am trying to do is group each of the groups, subgroups, sections, and objects, so I can minimize the group level or expand down to the sub-group, section, or all the way down to the object levels as shown in the Excel image.
Ive tried using the group function but it doesn't seem to give me the desired result, if anyone could help i would be very greatful
Kind Regard
Apr 21, 2023 01:47 AM
Could you provide some screenshots of your table setup? The List view with its hierarchies also feels like it might come in handy here
Apr 21, 2023 02:16 AM
Apr 21, 2023 02:35 AM
Hmm, you should be able to group based on your fields like so:
Is this not what you're after?
Apr 21, 2023 03:26 AM
Apr 21, 2023 04:50 AM
When the headers are empty, the field has no value for those records.
Apr 21, 2023 04:59 AM
I understand that but how do i filter them out so i dont see the blank fields and i only see the header for the Group then the Header for the Sub-Group then header for section.
So first header would be Ss_15 (Group), Ss_15_10, (Sub-Group) Ss_15_ 10_30 (Section), Rather than seeing a blank field header.
Kind Regards
Apr 24, 2023 02:31 AM
Hm, and if we create filters to only show records where all of the fields are not empty, does that solve the problem?