Apr 01, 2021 02:04 PM
Looking for some help.
We work with employers to provide company cars as an employee benefit.
I’m trying to setup AirTable so that when I select an employer and month, I can output an invoice with the relevant monthly payments.
I’ve done the first steps:
Set up an employers table that links multiple employees per employer
Set up an employees table that links multiple cars per employee
Set up a monthly payments table that links cars to a series of payments by month
I’m struggling with the final step where I want to set the employer and month and output the total payments, so that I can create an invoice. Any advice would be appreciated.
Apr 01, 2021 04:21 PM
You could set up a system using Automations to find all the [Cars]
records currently linked to an [Employee]
at a particular [Employer]
Table: [Employers]
Table: [Cars]
s linked [Employer]
[Monthly Payments]
linked to the [Car]
Table: [Invoices]
payment amountsAutomation
record is “checked”[Cars]
table for all records where the [Employer]
lookup contains the Trigger Record’s name.[Invoice]
table. Fill the {Employer}
field with the Trigger Record’s name. Fill the {Cars}
record with the List of ‘Airtable record ID’ from the Find Records step.Apr 02, 2021 08:08 AM
Thanks for this.
Ive managed to follow the steps and can see how this can provide a total for fees in each invoice.
However it does not account for the fact that within the Monthly Payments table I have a series of payments stretching out into the future.
How could I include the payment desired for a specific month, or for all previous months?
Thanks for your help.
Apr 02, 2021 08:45 AM
Either post screenshots of how your Tables are set up, or add a link to your base.
The answer will likely be some variation of: “Add a Rollup field that only includes payment records that match a certain condition”