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Jul 13, 2022 10:25 AM
Hey everyone:)
Looking for a Script that adds an option to a “multiple select” when a new record is created in a near by Table.
It’s a base that works as an app for Sending Whatsapp messages.
there is a “multiple select” field that needs to be connected to another table with costumer names and phone numbers. so that when a new record is created the costumer name would pop as an option in the multiple select field.
Any ideas ?
Jul 13, 2022 01:53 PM
You could do this with scripting, but I would personally recommend using Link Records fields as that’s exactly what this field type is for.
If your WhatsApp integration requires you to use a MultiSelect field and isn’t compatible with a Link Records field, you can have an Automation copy the Link Records field into the MultiSelect field. Or as I said use a script to add select options to the field when new customers are added.
Jul 13, 2022 10:51 PM
Thank you Kamille,
I am familiar with the link to record, and do use it in many cases.
But i like this field to have colors so it would be more user friendly.
Thank you:)
Jul 16, 2022 09:29 PM
I would argue that using a multiple-select field like this would definitely not make it long-term-maintenance-friendly. I’m all for making things user-friendly, but if it negatively impacts the developer experience—like I feel it would in this case—I would seriously question if it’s really worth it. In this case I’d see the use of color as more of a “it might be mildly helpful/interesting”-type feature and not necessarily something that will clearly improve the user experience.
Jul 16, 2022 10:23 PM
If color is important, you can introduce color by adding colorful emoji to the primary field value. It isn’t the same as multiple-select coloring, but many people find it to be a good balance between wanting both color and the power of a linked record.
You can even have the automation add the emoji to the primary field value, although you will need a a technique to pick a different emoji for each record, such as a script or a formula.
Also note that automation scripts cannot create new multiple-select choices, although the “update record” action can.
Jul 17, 2022 01:15 AM
i see.
Thank you for sharing the knowledge. if there is no script option for adding a choice than i will stop looking for one.
I think there is a workaround for that,
when i create a new record with an option that do not exist it will add it as an option.
so theres one way.
just not so elegant.