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Apr 06, 2020 10:49 AM
Over the weekend I was helping a non-profit that’s organizing food deliveries from restaurants to hospitals as part of their COVID response efforts.
They have a table of Orders. An order specifies the restaurant providing the food, the hospital receiving the food, a start and end date, and the days of the week to repeat the order:
We wrote a script that goes through these recurring orders and creates a delivery record for each day that the order should repeat:
Here’s the script:
const ordersTable = base.getTable('Recurring orders');
const deliveriesTable = base.getTable('Deliveries');
const orders = await ordersTable.selectRecordsAsync();
const dayOfWeekToNumber = {
Sun: 0,
Mon: 1,
Tue: 2,
Wed: 3,
Thu: 4,
Fri: 5,
Sat: 6,
for (const order of orders.records) {
if (order.getCellValue('Deliveries')) {
// Skip it, the deliveries were already created.
const name =;
const startDateString = order.getCellValue('Start Date');
const endDateString = order.getCellValue('End Date');
const daysOfWeek = order.getCellValue('Days of week');
if (!startDateString) {
output.text(`⚠️ Skipping "${name}" because it doesn't have a start date.`);
if (!endDateString) {
output.text(`⚠️ Skipping "${name}" because it doesn't have an end date.`);
if (!daysOfWeek) {
output.text(`⚠️ Skipping "${name}" because it doesn't have any 'Days of week' to repeat.`);
const daysOfWeekSet = new Set();
for (const dayOfWeek of daysOfWeek) {
if (!dayOfWeekToNumber.hasOwnProperty( {
throw new Error(`Unexpected day of week: ${}`);
const endDate = getDateFromString(endDateString);
let deliveriesToCreate = [];
for (
let currentDate = getDateFromString(startDateString);
currentDate <= endDate;
currentDate.setDate(currentDate.getDate() + 1)
) {
if (daysOfWeekSet.has(currentDate.getDay())) {
fields: {
Date: getStringFromDate(currentDate),
Restaurant: order.getCellValue('Restaurant'),
Hospital: order.getCellValue('Hospital'),
"Recurring order": [{id:}],
output.text(`Creating ${deliveriesToCreate.length} deliveries for "${name}".`);
// Only up to 50 records can be created at one time, so do it in batches.
while (deliveriesToCreate.length > 0) {
await deliveriesTable.createRecordsAsync(deliveriesToCreate.slice(0, 50));
deliveriesToCreate = deliveriesToCreate.slice(50);
output.text('✅ Done!');
function getDateFromString(dateString) {
// Assumes dateString is yyyy-mm-dd
const parts = dateString.split('-').map(part => parseFloat(part));
const date = new Date();
date.setMonth(parts[1] - 1);
date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
return date;
function getStringFromDate(date) {
// Returns yyyy-mm-dd string.
return [
(date.getMonth() + 1).toString().padStart(2, '0'),
date.getDate().toString().padStart(2, '0'),
You can get a copy of the demo base here:
Apr 14, 2020 05:07 PM
Updated script:
const ordersTable = base.getTable('Recurring orders');
const deliveriesTable = base.getTable('Deliveries');
const orders = await ordersTable.selectRecordsAsync();
const dayOfWeekToNumber = {
Sun: 0,
Mon: 1,
Tue: 2,
Wed: 3,
Thu: 4,
Fri: 5,
Sat: 6,
for (const order of orders.records) {
const name =;
const startDateString = order.getCellValue('Start Date');
const endDateString = order.getCellValue('End Date');
const daysOfWeek = order.getCellValue('Days of week');
const lastDeliveryDateString = order.getCellValue('Last Delivery Date');
if (!startDateString) {
output.text(`⚠️ Skipping "${name}" because it doesn't have a start date.`);
if (!endDateString) {
output.text(`⚠️ Skipping "${name}" because it doesn't have an end date.`);
if (!daysOfWeek) {
output.text(`⚠️ Skipping "${name}" because it doesn't have any 'Days of week' to repeat.`);
const daysOfWeekSet = new Set();
for (const dayOfWeek of daysOfWeek) {
if (!dayOfWeekToNumber.hasOwnProperty( {
throw new Error(`Unexpected day of week: ${}`);
const endDate = getDateFromString(endDateString);
endDate.setDate(endDate.getDate() + 1); // First moment of the next day.
// By default, deliveries will be creating starting from the start
// date. But if deliveries have already been created, we want to start
// at the day after the most recent delivery.
const newDeliveriesStartDate = getDateTimeFromString(startDateString);
if (lastDeliveryDateString) {
const lastDeliveryDate = getDateFromString(lastDeliveryDateString);
lastDeliveryDate.setDate(lastDeliveryDate.getDate() + 1);
if (lastDeliveryDate >= endDate) {
// The last generated delivery was after the end date, so skip processing
output.text(`⚠️ No new deliveries to generate for ${name}. The last delivery date is past the end date.`);
let deliveriesToCreate = [];
for (
let currentDate = newDeliveriesStartDate;
currentDate <= endDate;
currentDate.setDate(currentDate.getDate() + 1)
) {
if (daysOfWeekSet.has(currentDate.getDay())) {
fields: {
Date: getStringFromDateTime(currentDate),
Restaurant: order.getCellValue('Restaurant'),
Hospital: order.getCellValue('Hospital'),
"Recurring order": [{id:}],
output.text(`Creating ${deliveriesToCreate.length} deliveries for "${name}".`);
// Only up to 50 records can be created at one time, so do it in batches.
while (deliveriesToCreate.length > 0) {
await deliveriesTable.createRecordsAsync(deliveriesToCreate.slice(0, 50));
deliveriesToCreate = deliveriesToCreate.slice(50);
output.text('✅ Done!');
function getDateFromString(dateString) {
// Assumes dateString is yyyy-mm-dd
const parts = dateString.split('-').map(part => parseFloat(part));
const date = new Date();
date.setMonth(parts[1] - 1);
date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
return date;
function getDateTimeFromString(dateTimeString) {
// Assumes dateString is like 2020-04-10T09:00:00.000Z
const [dateString, timeString] = dateTimeString.split('T');
const dateParts = dateString.split('-').map(part => parseFloat(part));
const timeParts = timeString.split(':').map(part => parseFloat(part));
const date = new Date();
date.setMonth(dateParts[1] - 1);
date.setHours(timeParts[0], timeParts[1], 0, 0);
return date;
function getStringFromDateTime(dateTime) {
// Returns yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:00.000Z string.
return [
(dateTime.getMonth() + 1).toString().padStart(2, '0'),
dateTime.getDate().toString().padStart(2, '0'),
].join('-') + 'T' + [
dateTime.getHours().toString().padStart(2, '0'),
dateTime.getMinutes().toString().padStart(2, '0'),
Dec 01, 2020 12:30 PM
Thanks for making these date time converter functions. I was so surprised that the only output option from airtable is a GMT string!
Feb 11, 2021 09:28 AM
Hi Kasra! Do you think it would be possible to create a script that creates a copy of a record but changes some info of the record? For expample creates a copy. of a record but adds 4 weeks. the date column and changes the status from the status column?
Feb 11, 2021 10:26 AM
That general idea has been answered several times, most closely in the thread linked below.
Feb 12, 2021 08:26 AM
Thanks a lot Kamille, could it be possible to contact you for some doubts that i have? thanks!