Hey there!
I’m trying to create my first custom app, but I’m running into this error when trying to initialise it:
I’m running this command (copied from the “Get started” flow of creating anew custom app:
block init appql2cWuSDIYP4pk/blk5ErqYl4U45VObE --template=https://github.com/Airtable/apps-update-records MY_APP
I get this error:
No valid exports main found for '/Users/ME/.nvm/versions/node/v13.4.0/lib/node_modules/@airtable/blocks-cli/node_modules/@octokit/endpoint/node_modules/is-plain-object'
I’ve already updated npm to the latest version and I also installed octokid/rest, since I thought it had something to do with it.
Does someone know how I can get past this hurdle?