Aug 20, 2024 03:54 PM
I have an automation script that searches a table for a matching record. Based on the examples I could find, I wrote it to retrieve that column from all the rows using selectRecordsAsync(), and then loop through all the rows looking for a match. But this sometimes times out after 30 seconds. The table has about 1800 rows.
Is there some way from a script to get the lookup done on the server side, e.g. by passing in a formula? I was able to do this easily in using the airtable search action and a formula, but it seems like there should be a way to do this in airtable itself.
Aug 21, 2024 03:08 AM
Try doing an API call via the script action maybe? Note that this would expose your API key
I'm curious why we'd want to do the Find with a script though? Is it possible for us to use a Find Record action and pass the results to the script instead?
Aug 21, 2024 04:54 PM
Oh, that totally makes sense to use the Find Record action first. I'm more experienced with scripting in general than I am with airtable automations, so when I couldn't do what I wanted with the provided actions I figured I needed to do the whole automation with a script. It didn't occur to me to only do part of it with a script, but I expect that would solve this problem. Thanks.