Apr 18, 2022 08:10 AM
Hi dear airtable community,
I’m using airtable curl API and I want to get the data from the oldest. I believe the go here is the sort
parameter passed on as a query, but the createdTime is outside of fields, how can I access that?
createdTime has to stay and must stay out of fields for my use case.
Current endpoint I’m using, just need to read the createdTime that is outside out fields
Dec 13, 2022 10:18 AM
Any answer to the above? I am facing the same issue. It only lets you sort on the 'fields'. I also want to sort on createdTime parameter, but looks like its not allowed
Oct 21, 2023 06:25 AM
We think this is an important feature the Airtable team should consider. For third-party apps (like ours), adding an extra field to a customer's table usually isn't an option (we prefer to keep things read-only). A common use case for us is something along the lines of "create slides from the 10 most recent records".