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Formulas Activity

StDev using only fields that are not empty

I am new to airtable. I used this  Standard Deviation STDEV - Quick Reference - Airtable Community to calculated the standard deviation. However I have 5 fields in this table and sometimes only 3 or 4 values are entered. I would like to only consider...

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Resolved! Nested IF Statement

Hello,I have created a check Request form in my system.  For some of our transactions we will deal with multiple transactions but I only want to have one button.  I have created multiple fields (Fee #1, Fee #2, Fee #3, Fee #4, Fee #5). I am trying to...

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Zak1 by 4 - Data Explorer

Return a Fiscal Week based on the start date of the project

I have a table with all our fiscal weeks, and their corresponding start and end dates.  ("Fiscal Weeks")I have another table with projects, and the start date of each project. ("Projects")I need to add a column to the Projects table that tells me whi...

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Resolved! Find text string in Long text field

Hello,I have a table that is synced with transactions from my bank account, but I need help with extracting data from a JSON string stored in the Notes (Long text) field.An example of the JSON looks like this: { "transactionId": "2022142460021", "end...

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Find or Search Problem

Hey everybody,I am trying to match 2 columns to see if a name from column 2 appears in column 1 (list of names). The answer I need is simply true or false.Column 1 is a lookup field with a name.Example: “Smith, Jack”.And column 2 is a list of names. ...

Jepedaja_0-1736435278134.png Jepedaja_1-1736435296584.png
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checking duplicates

Hi Airtable Community,  The problem is to check in Airtable whether a value in a column (e.g. column 2) occurs **for the first time** or whether it is a duplicate. If the value is the **first occurrence**, a value from another column (e.g. column 4) ...

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Using Lookup text in formula field

I've tried to work my way around this problem several ways and I can't seem to figure it out... I have a nested IF statement that uses a value from a text lookup field that just doesn't want to play nice. Essentially, I have a formula title for a rec...

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Need help with a formula for the following Quarter.

If my event is September 2, 2025 (aka "program start date"), it would be in Quarter 3, 2025. But I need to list that commission would be paid the following quarter (aka "quarter earned", so Q4, 2025. Fiscal year runs Jan - Dec like the calendar.I cur...

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TRBS by 6 - Interface Innovator