Jul 31, 2020 02:26 PM
I am using the CRM template as a base for a more robust CRM solution. I’m trying to create a field for the most recent conversation note from the most recent interaction.
There is a field in the main “CONTACTS” table titled “Interactions” that links to an “INTERACTIONS” table which includes “Date” “Conversation Notes”, and “Contact”. So the Interactions Field in the Contacts table lists dates for each of the calls/interactions with the corresponding contact. I also have a field with the date of the latest interaction. But I’m trying to pull the Conversation Notes from the most recent interaction into a field for each contact in the CONTACTS table.
I’m fairly new to Airtable and at my wit’s end. Any and all help is appreciated.
Aug 03, 2020 03:04 PM
Hi, Dalton from Airtable here. :wave:
Have you thought about using a Lookup field in order to pull the Conversation notes field into your records in the Contact table?
Airtable just set up parameters recently which would allow you to pull conversation notes that had happened only within the last week, or any time table you wanted. (see screenshot below)
I hope this helps give you what you’re looking for!
Aug 03, 2020 05:25 PM
Thanks for the suggestion. The problem with this for me is that a) if there aren’t any recent notes, the record would be blank and b) if there are more than one conversation in that time period, multiple comments will be shown. I’m trying to just show the notes from the most recent conversation, whether it was yesterday or two months prior.
Aug 03, 2020 09:29 PM
Something similar came up in a thread not long ago. Here’s the link to that discussion. Perhaps it will help.