I have tried multiple Nested If statements to achieve this result:
This is my ultimate goal:
If “Date of Last Contact” is blank then return blank.
If it is not, then if “Days Since Contact” is ❤️ then return “ :heavy_check_mark: Less Than 3 Days :heavy_check_mark: ”
If it is not, then if “Days Since Contact” is <5 then return “ :warning: Almost More than 5 Days :warning: ”
If it is not, then if “Days Since Contact” is >5 and Status Does Not = Revisit Later then “ :x: Greater Than 5 Days :x: ”
If Status = “Revisit Later” and “Days Since Contact” is >30 then :x: Time To Revisit :x:
If not then leave blank.

IF({Date of Last Contact} = BLANK(),BLANK(),IF({Days Since Contact}<=3,“ :heavy_check_mark: Less Than 3 Days :heavy_check_mark: ”,IF({Days Since Contact}<=5,“ :warning: Almost More than 5 Days :warning: ”, IF(AND({Days Since Contact}>5,{Status}NOT(“Revisit Later”), “ :x: Greater Than 5 Days :x: ”, IF(AND({Status} = “Revisit Later”, {Days Since Contact}<30, BLANK(),IF (AND({Status}=“Revisit Later”, {Days Since Contact}>30,“ :x: Time To Revisit :x: ” ))))))))