Jul 11, 2023 08:12 AM
Hi I want to extract a portion of a text from a google drive share link.
The format of the drive link is like this:
I want to extract the text after "d/" and will end at before "/view". So the intended result should be "1IklI1OAW8XLtTKDfwW75BNcve8z8xQ57 "
Any ideas how?
Thanks a lot!
Jul 11, 2023 09:57 AM
I think you can use the SUBSTITUTE function to achieve this. I did some testing with this formula I wrote and hopefully it helps!
Replace {link} with your correct field name, and it will pull the text you're looking for.
How it works:
First, the formula calculates the inner-most part of the formula which is:
SUBSTITUTE({link}, "https://drive.google.com/file/d/", "")
This searches your field for the string "https://drive.google.com/file/d/" and replaces it with an empty string.
Then the formula evalutes this new string against the outermost formula
It searches the new string for "/view" and replaces it with an empty string, leaving you with only the string you are looking for!
Jul 11, 2023 04:32 PM