
Re: Three If formulas not working

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Hi all,

I've ran this code and don't have an error message coming up but when I click ok the final part of the 'If' formula is deleted.I'd like it to run so that all parts of the if formula work (three options):


IF({Always On/Miniseries} = "Always On" , {Total Budget (USD)}*((13-{Number (from Start Date)})/12) ,
IF({Always On/Miniseries} = Existing Always-On" ,  {Additional Budget 2023 (USD)}) ,
IF({Always On/Miniseries} = "Mini Series", {Total Budget (USD)}*{Year 1 (from Mini Series Amort) (from Start Date)}))
3 Replies 3
5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast

Are those the only three options? You could try:

IF({Always On/Miniseries} = "Mini Series", {Total Budget (USD)}*{Year 1 (from Mini Series Amort) (from Start Date)}, IF({Always On/Miniseries} = "Always On", {Total Budget (USD)}*((13-{Number (from Start Date)})/12),{Additional Budget 2023 (USD)}))

So do the calculations if it's the two that get calculated, otherwise display the Addition Budget. 

Hey @imomarsx

Give this a shot:

    {Always On/Miniseries} = "Always On",
    {Total Budget (USD)} * ((13 - {Number (from Start Date)}) / 12),
        {Always On/Miniseries} = “Existing Always-On",
        {Additional Budget 2023 (USD)},
            {Always On/Miniseries} = "Mini Series",
            {Total Budget (USD)} * {Year 1 (from Mini Series Amort) (from Start Date)}

I had such strange bug too, when entered formula accepted as valid, but end part dissapeared.
It ended when I refactored the formula and I never see such bug again.
I would use SWITCH in your case.