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Button wont pass data on mobile

I'm using a public airtable view with a button that passes data to a web form. Works on desktop but not on mobile.looks like this: "" & ENCODE_URL_COMPONENT({Deal Name}) & "&new=" & ENCODE_URL_COMPONENT({Current Bid Value}) ...

bself7 by 1 - Visitor
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Getting Count when two conditions are met

Hello, I'm creating a fairly simple base to track all of the violations for an HOA board. I'm trying to create a field to calculate the total number of times a house has gotten the same violation in the past year.The Base has 3 tables, "Homes" with a...

QPBoard by 4 - Data Explorer
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Resolved! Incorrectly getting different formula outputs for the same result

I have multiple tables that deal with budgeting, and in each one I've got a similar setup. I track the total budgeted and then how much we've spent manually, then a formula determines the difference and another formula looks at that difference and de...


Rollup / Formula on 3 tables (groupby)

Hi everyone,I’m encountering some challenges with defining a rollup field that combines data from three tables in Airtable. Here’s the setup:Buildings (fields: name, etc.)Employees (fields: name, hourly_rate, etc.)Timesheet (fields: employee_name, bu...

tomerbar by 4 - Data Explorer
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Looking for a simple call tracker feature

Hello All,I run a real estate wholesale business and I'm looking to create a new table that will basically just tally all the calls we make every day. I would essentially like to be able to just click a button inside each record when a call attempt i...

RHB by 5 - Automation Enthusiast
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Ranking for Round Robin Box League (Tennis)

I'm setting up a ranking and league system for our tennis club. The ranking should work according to the following rules:1 – Players in each division will be arranged in order of the number of matches they have won in the round. Win = 3 points, Loss ...

Joel1 by 5 - Automation Enthusiast
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Total how many values appear in two lookup fields

I have an "Applications" table that tracks contacts through various stages: expressing interest (TYPE = EOI), applying (TYPE = Application), and other scenarios for a specific session.I want to determine how many contacts who expressed interest (TYPE...

megcarp77 by 4 - Data Explorer
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