Show & Tell
The show and tell space is a place to showcase your work and have conversations about what you’ve been creating in Airtable.
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Forum Posts

Trouble displaying Custom Buttons in Airtable Interface

Hello Airtable communityI've been diligently working on a time-tracking solution in Airtable for a nonprofit organization. Inspired by a YouTube video from Dan Lehman, I aimed to craft a system where volunteers could easily log their hours during a p...

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UWTSAVITA by 4 - Data Explorer
  • 2 replies
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Automated email ticketing system in Airtable

I have been working on an Airtable integration called TaskRobin to save emails to Airtable.With features such as saving email meta data such as sender, timestamp, attachments and more, you can easily create a fully automated email ticketing system ba...

Daniel_C by 6 - Interface Innovator
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API request to create a field

Hello AT team, i am trying to create a new field through kodular platform. I hope i have consturcted blocks as per the api documentation but it throws response s INVALID_REQUESTplease guide meReturn responseawaiting for your reply

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Turn Airtable into your smart CRM

Hi everyone!Around two weeks ago I released an Airtable extension that helps you save emails to Airtable. A lot of you were so kind to have tried it out and gave me many valuable feedback, thank you!I started working on snippets and blocks that can b...

Daniel_C by 6 - Interface Innovator
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