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Interface Form - Single Select Field

Topic Labels: Interface Designer
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4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

Hi! Excited about the ability to use forms in Interface.

I have a question about single select fields in Interface Forms. Currently, if you type in a new option in the single select column in the Airtable base and that option currently doesn’t exist, you can add it to the single select column by pressing enter (after you’re typed up the new option).

I am not able to add new options to a single select field in my Airtable Interface form. Am I missing something or has someone found a solution for this?

Thanks all!

3 Replies 3

Hi @Pyline_Tangsuvanich
It does not look like you can create a new Single Select item from the Interfaces Form, just as you cannot create a new item from the Form View.

6 - Interface Innovator
6 - Interface Innovator

Indeed I observe the same behavior. It should be an option in Interface : to authorize or not creation of new options in a single (or multiple) select field. Feature idea here :



I agree ... this is an absolute requirement.

I don't quite understand the work around mentioned in your linked request post yet but I will play around a bit more. Very much appreciate the helpful tips around here! Thank-you all!