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Need help scripting a staff scheduler

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5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast


We wish to build few additional flexibilities in Kamille Parks' no-conflict appointment scheduler -->

Could anyone help us with some light coding on top of the existing code as a consultant?


3 Replies 3
4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

Hello Philo,

I am Himanshi. I represent Ajackus, an official Airtable partner. We specialize in building customized solutions with Airtable as a database. We have helped startups and enterprises worldwide make the most of it.

We would love to help you with your scripting requirements. Can we schedule a call to discuss this further?

Hi @Philo,
I have lengthy experience working with Airtable scripts to develop custom workflows and automations. Happy to have a call about how we can work together: you can book a time at your earliest convenience from my calendar:


Thanks, I've booked a call.