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Re: Workflow Automation

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7 - App Architect
7 - App Architect

We’re looking for assistance automating our workflow for one fundamental task. I can explain more, but I’d like to hear from a few Airtable experts out there that have experience automating with Airtable.

6 Replies 6
10 - Mercury
10 - Mercury

Hey Brandon, we are airtable and automation experts (Zapier Certified). Feel free to ping me at for more details.

5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast

Can vouch for Dan and his team, they are fantastic :ok_hand:

7 - App Architect
7 - App Architect

Hi Brandon, I’d be happy to jump on a call to learn more about your needs. I’m Zapier certified as well. Please feel free to book some time here.

Dan, I did not receive your cost sheet…can you re-send. Thanks

Still working through this with API…will circle back. Can you forward a fee sheet if you have one?

I am interested if you are available for a project