
Connecting Email and AirTable

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Hello, Who has achieved some (or all) of these 3 goals, and has a solution already in place? I’m looking for a way to achieve these goals. Thank you so much in advance for sharing your wisdom. I’m looking through the Intergromat integration list of all the email tools, and I bet some of you are familiar with some of the tools that will meet my vision. And, perhaps even a direct AirTable integration not involving Intergromat – that would be magical. Lol, currently lost in the sea of reviewing all these tools and would LOVE your advice on what tools match for my vision. Thank you SO much in advance. It’s a bit time sensitive.

Which of these pictured here do you like and also matches my goals/criteria outlined below? Or any others that integrate with Intergromat and/or AirTable directly, that you know of? ClickSend integrates as well. These are all tools that integrate with Intergromat.Capture_Email%20Tools%20that%20Integrate%20w%20Intergromat_PLUS%20ClockSend%20Too_113019

Background Info:

  • I’m creating an AirTable CRM. I am finishing setting-up phase 1 which is the basic contact data table, and do Not have questions here at moment.
  • Now I’m looking to add phase 2 of email integration, and this is where I’d LOVE your advice from those who have done it.
  • I’d like to use one method or tool for all 3 goals.
  • For any integrations, Intergromat is my go-to tool. I plan to use Intergromat and NOT Zapier, as Intergromat pricing is free or more reasonable and Zapier is more costly for >2 step zaps. And, perhaps there is even a direct AirTable integration not involving Intergromat – that would be magical. SEE the post below for the icon list of the tools that work with Intergromat, so you can easily see if you know of one that may be a winner for my goals/vision. These, plus ClickSend!
  • Background info re: goals 1-3, I currently use Outlook 2016 desktop (not Outlook Online, not Microsoft 365) and my email provider is GoDaddy which all shows up in my Outlook desktop. I understand I may need to change to get an Outlook Online account, hoping not but will let you tell me if so.
  • Some additional details re: capabilities for #1-3 is below.


Goal #1) Send 1:1 emails one-at-a-time custom-written (not mass email with mail merge) (email addresses are in AirTable), and have info about if the email was opened/clicked/etc show up in AirTable. I will create a separate table for the communications and have it link to the contact records in the main table. What tools have you used or super familiar with that that match my goals and needs?

Goal #2) Send batch emails (email addresses are in AirTable) where can segment contacts based on a single-select field for example so half the contacts receive one email body and the other half receive a different email body while including the contact’s individual name in each email, and have info about if the email was opened/clicked/etc show up in AirTable, as well as scoring info (defined below). I will create a separate table for the communications and have it link to the contact records in the main table. What tools have you used or super familiar with that that match my goals and needs?

Goal #3) Have emails that I send and receive (in Outlook desktop not online 365, my provider is GoDaddy and then my emails appear in my desktop Outlook) have a copy automatically move to AirTable, with subject and body. I will create a separate table for the communications and have it link to the contact records in the main table. Specifically, only emails that are in a specific folder in my Outlook and/or match an email address that is in my AirTable CRM. Note: I am not looking to switch my main email to Gmail, as I love Outlook, but open to Outlook online if really needed. What tools have you used or super familiar with that that match my goals and needs?

Additional Requirements for goals #1-3:

  • I prefer free and low cost email marketing tools if need a 3rd party tool. And, since I may send small quantities of emails on an ad-hoc basis, not a monthly basis… If the tool is not free or max $10/mo for 1,000 contacts (or $15 for 1,500 contacts), I prefer pay-as-you-go $x for X# of email sends vs. monthly subscriptions.
  • Any tool must be user friendly for a non-developer.
  • Capabilities wanted for Goals 1 & 2:
    • Landing pages (for goals 1 & 2)
    • Info on email opens/link clicks/etc (for goal 1 & 2)
    • Opt out capability (for goals 1 & 2)
  • Capabilities additionally needed for Goal 2:
    • Scoring based on contacts who interact most with the email (for goal 2)
    • Email design templates (for goal 2)
    • Personalization where can segment contacts based on a single-select field for example so half the contacts receive one email body and the other half receive a different email body while including the contact’s individual name in each email (for goal 2)
  • Capabilities additionally needed for ALL Goals 1, 2, and 3:
    • Data flows back to show up in AirTable associated with each contact, via Intergromat integration (for goals, 1, 2, and 3)

Thanks so much for sharing tools that work well for you with that match these goals and criteria. Note: I’m looking for advice and not a custom development consulting proposal.

10 Replies 10

@Adam_Dachis thank you for this post. It is SOOOOO useful! I tried integromat for the first time today, and without this post I would have given up in 3 minutes, but because of your post I managed to get some useful functionality going. Thank you very much!!