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Gallery view layout issue on formula field

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6 - Interface Innovator
6 - Interface Innovator

I have a gallery view of event participants embedded on our web site. On the card view, one particular field is followed by a big extra space - see right after the 'City, State' field in the screenshot here:


This extra space does not appear when you click on the card to see the record detail:


The only difference in the data is that the 'City, State' field is a formula, combining two fields with a comma. But, I don't know why that would display an extra line in the gallery card. Any ideas?

1 Reply 1

Hm that's a weird one.  I tried replicating it but wasn't successful:

Screenshot 2024-09-25 at 10.26.19 AM.png

Any chance you could provide access to a duplicate of the base with no data in it for me to poke at?  Pretty curious about it!