
How to Set Initial Record Displayed in Record Review Interface?

Topic Labels: Interface Designer
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5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast

I have a Record Review Interface that is shared publicly. As expected, the record displayed when following the public link is the one at the top of the underlying sort. I'd like to display a different record in the table as the starting point while retaining the sort for the list of records. 

The URLs appear to follow a predictable pattern, and the initial URL for the public interface is rewritten as a URL with an appended query (after a "?") referencing the displayed record. The query consists of a six-character string which is consistent, "=rec", and the internal record ID.

When I construct a URL containing the query for the desired record and attempt to load it, I receive an "Internal error, Try refreshing the page." message. This also occurs if I simply cut and paste the rewritten URL into a browser window after following the base public link. I am using a browser session that is not signed into Airtable to test the URL strings.

Any ideas?

2 Replies 2

Hey @lcongdon! Unfortunately you cannot have exceptions to your sorting logic. Meaning that if you sort your records alphabetically (A to Z), you cannot decide which record to show on the top (e.g. one name starting with Z), other than the underlying sort.

Having said that, you can build a workaround in which you have a new field created, called "Sort" in which you either manually number the records to show in whatever order you want, OR you build a script to scale such logic.

Regarding the URL, the id you are making reference is the Record ID for each record on your base. This ID is obviously unique. Is the Record you are trying to show via URL currently visible on your interface, or is it filtered out?

Mike, Consultant @Automatic Nation

Mike, the sorting logic is fine and the list of records is displayed correctly in the correct order. I don't want to change the record list. I simply want to initially display a detail record other than the first one--similar to the display after hitting the down arrow a few times. The detail record is not filtered out.
