
Re: Include a field value in the conditional of a lookup field

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5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast

Hi all !

Im currently creating a database for retrieve data from a questionnaire, in this database I have two tables, a “result” table where I store all the answers, and a “text” table where I store texts that will be displayed in relation to the responses obtained.

For example :

Part of my questionnaire is used to obtain a “self-confidence” score, depending on this score one of the 3 “self-confidence” texts will be displayed (low self-confidence, medium self-confidence, or hightself-confidence) .

To do this I first created a formula field “calculation text self-confidence” which allows me, depending on the score obtained, to obtain a value 1, 2 or 3 (this value is used to determine which of the 3 texts I want to display).

In my “results” table I created a “link to another table” field to the “texts” table where I retrieve all the records, then I created a lookup field in which I will look for the content of the text with the conditions that it be of the “self-confidence” type and that the value of “level” be equal to the value of the field “text calculation self-confidence” (1, 2 or 3, which allows me to display the content of the desired text according to the score obtained). And that’s where I’m stuck, I don’t know how to do it, or even if it’s possible.

To make it simple I would like the value highlighted in red of my first screenshoot to be the value of the field highlighted in red of my second screenshoot.

Which will give “and Niveau is 3” for the first record, and “and Niveau is 1” for the second record



So i would like to know if its possible and if yes, how to do it ?

Thanks in advance everyone !

8 Replies 8

Welcome to the Airtable community!

Currently this is not possible.

18 - Pluto
18 - Pluto

@Charlie_Galle2 Please be sure to send this as a feature request to People have been requesting this very important, much-needed feature for 5+ years, but Airtable hasn’t implemented it yet.

Also, there are currently only 2 external Airtable apps that support this feature: Noloco and Fillout.



5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast

Thanks for the really fast answers !

Well sadly its not possible so, but maybe there is another way to do that ? Like with automations ? To retrieve a data from another table according to a field value in conditional ?

5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast

Well I tried to create a automation working the same way but when i try to find the specified record using the “cacul texte confiance en soi” value, i can’t and the field is grayed with the popup “this property cannot be used right now” when i place my cursor on it


Its not possible in this way to ?

In Automations, you can click on that little gear icon on the right to insert a conditional variable. This is what we need rolled out to the rest of the product.

5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast

Yes your right, as you can see in my last post that what i done but for a reason i dont understand all the formula fields are grayed (only the “Record ID” one is available) and so I can’t use their value as a condition

5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast

Well i find another way to do it, i simply created 3 lookup field who each display one of the 3 possible texts, and then i create a formula field who, with the utilisation of “IF”, copy the text of one of the 3 lookup field depending of the “calcul texte confiance en soi” value.

There is the formula i used :

IF({Calcul texte confiance en soi}=1,{Texte Confiance en soi 1 (from Textes)},IF({Calcul texte confiance en soi}=2,{Texte Confiance en soi 2 (from Textes)},{Texte Confiance en soi 3 (from Textes)}))

7 - App Architect
7 - App Architect

Oh I would love to see this implemented in airtable