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Re: Linked lookup field not showing check mark or free text values

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5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast


I have a table (table A) that has two fields I want to display in another table (table B). 

One of the columns in table A is a check box value, the other is free text. I have linked table A inside table B and created two look up columns in table B to display the check box column and the free text ones but they turn up blank. 

Any ideas on why this is happening?


12 Replies 12

Hmm that's a weird one.  Once your records are linked up that should just work.  Could you provide some screenshots of your tables?  I've also set something up here for you to check out

Screenshot 2024-08-05 at 10.27.16 PM.png


thanks for getting back. 

I have attached two screenshots. In screenshot 1, "operations report" is the table I want to pull the information from and display in the other table (screenshot 2 "overview"). The columns "technical problems" and "comments operations"

You will see in screenshot 2 I have made a formula for the checkbox one as a work around and got it to display "yes" when there is a check mark in the original field. But I have had no luck finding a work around for the free text in "comments operations". As an example the content of that column might be "Equipment failed due to dinosaurs and butterflies. Operations delayed X hours". 

Hmm, and your lookup field doesn't have any conditional filters on it?  If you could provide a read-only invite link to a duplicated copy of your base with some example data I could take a look at this for you!


If a "conditional filter" is the switches next to "Only include linked records from the Orders table that meet certain conditions" and "Limit the number of items shown" then no these are not on. I have attached screenshots of the set up boxes. 

I don't know how to make a duplicated copy with example data set up in the same way, or share it. Our system is massive and messy and I had no hand in setting anything up and I am new to airtable. 

Just to add, these views are both within the same table, not sure if that makes a difference

Hmm that looks fine!  Could you provide a screenshot of the "Orders" field for the record where the "Comments Operations" lookup is empty? 

Here's a guide on how to duplicate a base:

I am not sure what you mean, isn't the screenshot above "screenshot_comments operations_lookup" exactly that?

"Orders" is the name of the table both views are under.

5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast

Here is a link to the duplicated base. 

The view i am trying to get "Comments operations" to show up in is "overview for reports Rebekka".

The source view where "comments operations" is from is "operations report"

Thanks for the link!  I had a look and your setup's working fine, the record in question just doesn't have a linked record in its "Orders" field

Here's a screenshot of your base with the "Orders" field visible and you can see that the "Comments" lookup is working as expected:

Screenshot 2024-08-07 at 5.49.57 PM.png
Also, "Technical problems Rollup (from Orders)" takes the current record's value, and I believe you're trying to use the linked record's value?