Hi! I’m new to Airtables, which I’m going to use as a giant database of my publishing company’s thousands of articles. Before I start defining my tables and entering data, I have a couple of critical questions, and I hope you can help me:
I have to organize these articles by country of publication (for information, each country has a couple of thousand articles). It would make sense to me to have one base, and then a table per country. However, certain articles are published across different countries, and I don’t want to repeat entries, as it would completely defeat the purpose.
I think it’s possible to have an entry show in different tables without actually creating a new record (is that what linking is?) but I’m not sure. Can you clarify for me?
My second important question is pivot tables. I will need to create pivot tables but it’s also really important that some of them use data from all, or several countries. Is it possible to create pivot tables across several tables, or are they table-dependent?
Thanks a lot for your kind help!