May 12, 2021 01:29 AM
I am running a delivery company and we need to have an easy app for the ryders. We only need them to fill a simple ticket. Now we are using the tickets of the free version. Is doing well but we are wondering if there is an app that can improve this task.
Looking forward your answer.
May 13, 2021 08:53 AM
Adam from Airtable here.
I would check out our Apps marketplace page. Here you will find the native Airtable apps as well as custom apps made by 3rd party companies and open source apps made by individuals.
Perhaps, some other community members will have more to add to the conversation here as well. :slightly_smiling_face:
May 13, 2021 01:11 PM
Airtable doesn’t have a “ticket” feature, so I assume you mean “forms”.
What about your current setup needs improvement?
May 15, 2021 03:25 AM
Sorry, the correct name is “forms”.
Yes, we are looking for an improvement in our current setup. Only details in the “forms” feature that can improve our efficiency.