Hi @Saimoom_Safayet - I’ve played around with this and you can’t submit typeform multiselect values into a single AT linked field (the linked field doesn’t recognise the delimeter in the TF record, so doesn’t map to the linked fields correctly). However, there is a way to do this if you split the Typeform multiselect values across multiple fields in your AT base. This is what I did:
My simple Typeform form has 3 multiselect options:

In Zapier, I’m sending the Typeform submission to AT, creating a new record:

In Airtable, I have my linked records with scores:

On my form submission table, I have 3 columns for my 3 options, each of them a linked record to the options/scores table:

Now in Zapier, I can take any of the selected options and map these to the AT columns:

Back in my form submission table, I can rollup the scores for each of the 3 options columns (and then add these together to get a total score):