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Re: Regroupement des éléments dans une vue de liste

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5 - Automation Enthusiast

Bonjour ,
J'espère que vous allez bien.Je vous écris pour savoir comment effectuer un regroupement d'éléments dans une vue de liste (list view). Je voudrais regrouper les enregistrements par un champ spécifique pour mieux organiser et visualiser les données.

Pourriez-vous m'indiquer la procédure à suivre pour appliquer cette fonctionnalité ?

Je vous remercie d'avance pour votre aide.


8 Replies 8


I am replying in English since this community is meant to be for all users.

Let us consider the following list view on a table:


If i want to group lines by the field "Société", I need to click on "Grouper" and to select option "Voir tous les champs":


And then select field "Société" to get following result:




I hope you're doing well.

I am currently working with a list view that involves two levels—Level 1 (global) and Level 2. I would like to group the records by these two levels within the list view.

Could you please guide me on how to implement this grouping?

Thank you in advance for your help.

Best regards,


I must misunderstand you request since I have the impression that my first answer is the solution. If you need to group on 2 levels, then add a "subgroup" after setting the first one.

Once again, there is surely someting that I don't understand in your request.



Thank you for your response. Could you please provide a screenshot showing how I can create a subgroup? I'd like to explain: In Airtable, I have a global table and a general table, which is a list view containing fields that are related to the global table. I've created another list view, and in this view, I want to establish a two-level hierarchy (the global table and the general table). I would like to group by in the list view that contains these two hierarchical levels.


Here is a table that displays 3 hierarchical levels: "Modele" is linked to table Marque and Marque is linked to table Groupe:


If I add a list view for tis table, I first get the following:


I then have 2 options to display rows grouped on their hierarchical levels.

Option 1: choose fields to be displayed and group on some of them.

In the list view, click on "customise rows" and select the fields to be displayed:


You hence get the following list:


You Then click on "group" to select the highest level:


And you click on "Add subgroup" to select the inner level:


To get this result:


Option 2: set levels - This option only works if you have set hierarchicals relationships between table.

Let us go back to the list view at first step and click on "set levels":


Level 1 is the finest:


Click on "Add level avove" to set the next level (works because there is a link from table "Modele" to table "Marque":


Click again on "Add level above" to set next level (works because there is a link from table "Marque" to table "Groupe":



You can then choose which fields to display for each level:


To get this result:




Thank you for your response. I would like to group the entire list together. When I use this method, I find that the grouping is done separately for each section. For example, when I group by date, I see that the date is repeated each time. However, I want the grouping to be done in such a way that all the elements are truly grouped together, without the date being repeated.
Capture d’écran du 2024-08-27 23-07-07.png


Your screen capture is a grid view, not a list view, meaning that Option 2 in my previous answer makes no sense.

This being said, I do not understand what you want to achieve. If you want you can send me an invitation for a visio to better understand your need.

I am available this afternoon (Paris time) after 16h or tomorrow afternoon after 14h.



okey , thanks for help