Aug 02, 2024 12:54 PM
Apologies - it's hard to write a subject line in what I need help with.
I am trying to make a shotlist for a photoshoot, pulling product information from a non-editable base.
Some products will be in multiple shots. Meaning product A could be in shot 1 (solo), shot 2 with Product B, and Product C.
I am trying to figure out how to have Product A filter to be shown in Shot 1 and Shot 2.
is this at all possible?
Aug 02, 2024 08:58 PM
Assuming your data's set up like this:
In Shotlist you could create a filter for this:
Resulting in this:
I feel like I'm not understanding something though, sorry!
Aug 05, 2024 08:54 AM
hi! and thank you - Close!
The list starts with the product: A, B, C, etc (it's being pulled from product Line Sheets). Then the team goes through and picks the shot count and shot combinations.
Product A: shot 1, 3, 4
Product B: Shot 2, 3,
Product C: Shot 3, 4 etc
Then we sort by the shot number: so we can see how all the product will look together and if we are missing anything.
So I need the product A, B, C etc - to be in all the shots they are assigned to. Right now it only sorts as combos.
Meaning: Shot 1, Shot 1, 2, Shot 2, Shot 2, 3
Aug 05, 2024 07:03 PM
Sorry, I'm not following! Could you provide some screenshots where you've manually created what you'd want to see?