Again running into issues with not having more granular control of User Permissions. Wondering if this is on the Roadmap and if so (Though I know you can’t say when) is it one of the higher priority items?
+1 on this feature request. I work with multiple clients who are submitting work orders and managing work in progress in an airtable base - but I also want to manage a different set of contractors who are doing the work on those work orders, as well as track expenses and revenue for those same work orders. Airtable views and columns make creating personalized views for each stage of the work possible, but the entire base data is available to all. As such, contractors know what other contractors get paid, as would the client, etc. etc.
We absolutely need to have some user permissions around hiding fields for certain collaborators and then it would be a perfect solution. Hmmmm. . . please?
Could possibly leverage a form for intake but even in that situation the client, if listed as a collaborator, would be able to expand to see the hidden fields (I think).
Linking between bases or sectioning collaborator permissions by Table could work too but I don’t think those are possible either. . .are they?
We need to a way for people to comment on certain tables but not view the entire base’s tables. Or a linking mechanism between different base tables where user access can be allowed on base one and denied on another.
I can’t believe it’s not possible to have different permission levels. I’ve spent many many hours working on a database for our institution and took for granted that I’d be able to keep some confidential information from some users. I use many many cloud applications and ALL of them have ways of limiting access and information.
So almost a year ago the airtable CEO said it was coming soon. Is it?
familiar with so called “personal” views etc. this is not a business level solution. Is there a business that doesn’t have confidential data that perhaps all collaborators should not have access to?
The lack of security is the one aspect which is making our company question whether Airtable is right for us.
User stories:
As the creator of a base, I want to share this base as read-only with other selected people.
As the owner of the data in the base I want to avoid anyone from sharing the read-only link outside a certain domain.