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Allow option for automation loop to ignore script errors.

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7 - App Architect
7 - App Architect
Status: New Ideas

If this exists and I'm not aware of it, apologies in advance.

When looping through data from a view in an automation, I execute a script inside the "Repeat for each..." sometimes I get some bad data fed in and it causes the whole automation to fail.  I'm frequently adjusting the script to account for the data, and making steps to improve the data coming in, however it would be nice if I had the option for it to continue on ("Ignore error") and let me know after the fact so the other 99% of the data that was good can continue to process and I can resolve the data issue later.

Alternatively, if there was the ability to execute a different step if there is an error, that would be even more grand.


8 - Airtable Astronomer
8 - Airtable Astronomer

Hey Jeff,

If your script has been properly written to handle errors, it should still allow the script to finish, and the repeating actions group to continue.

Here are two good resources to read up on regarding error handling:

7 - App Architect
7 - App Architect

True, and if airtable workflow was properly designed it would have error handling built in like and all other mainstream workflows do.

Most of the data issues I am able to catch, and it would be nice to exit the script with an error code so it can trigger an alternate path (if such a system existed on the platform, which is part of my suggestion).

8 - Airtable Astronomer
8 - Airtable Astronomer

Hey Jeff,

My apologies I did not notice that this was logged under "Product Ideas," I thought this was an ask for help with getting an automation to run when errors come up.

I definitely agree that there should be some more robust error handling options built into the platform itself.

7 - App Architect
7 - App Architect

LOL, no worries.  I appreciate the follow up statement. 🙂