Is there a way to make the column description tooltips appear in the form views (Expand Record and in forms you create)? If not, I’d like to request this.
+1 because right now things are a little incongruous:
I can add help text in my form view when creating new rows which are super helpful for providing guidance.
I can add descriptions in my grid view to serve the same purpose (although it’s different language)
But then I can’t see either in the expanded record view! What a bummer!
Especially since we typically have data-entry occur in two stages. For example:
Job applicant fills out basic details in Airtable form
Company reviewer wants to add notes but can’t do it through the form view (doesn’t work like that) so has to do it through the “expanded row” view. BUT ALAS! There’s no comments or guidance there :frowning: :open_mouth: :frowning: :open_mouth: :frowning:
If I create a form view it automatically has the form fields with the form field names, but I can change them. It would be nice if I could have the form field descriptions automatically populated by the descriptions from the columns. Give us the option of turning descriptions on or off for each field. If on, use the default description from the grid view if nothing is entered manually.
Would be so much useful when providing a base to a customer, I really need “help texts” / “column description” to guide them. Would also be really useful for myself when dealing with huge bases.
+1 This would be a HUGE help to the usebase for my Airtable. Right now I am writing a separate PowerPoint document to describe all of the fields since tooltips are not available in forms.
No need for separate PowerPoints! 🙂 Our miniExtensions Form gives you a ton of flexibility when it comes to field descriptions! You can create long paragraphs with lots of formatting options, lists, headings, quotes etc. You can even insert an image if you like! You get to choose if this is displayed above or below the field, or as a tooltip that is shown when the user hovers over the corresponding icon. This should take care of just about every way in which you might want to present a description to your users.