I love Airtable automations. It’s nice to be able to do everything within Airtable, instead of using a third party tool.
The problem is, that these automations are starting to add up, and it’s becoming difficult to keep track of them, as well as to find the automations that I need to edit.
It would be nice to have some combination of the following:
- an ability to drag and drop automations (manual sorting), so that they are in some logical order
- an ability to tag automations and allow them to be grouped by tag or type
- an ability to restrict the viewing of automations to only those that involve the table that you’re currently viewing. If I’m viewing a contacts table, I don’t need to see my interactions table automations and vice versa.
The number of automations I have currently doesn’t make this a major issue, but I’m adding new automations every week and will soon find them difficult to manage.