
Re: Add image in Signature using Gmail send email action

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Hey all,

Having a request from a client I found a way to add image in our signatures for email we send using Gmail action in Airtable. 

Due to the fact that the image element is not included in Airtable's markdown list we can add it by adding a piece of html code in our action. Below is the code and the explanation of using it. 

</td><td width=96 valign=top>

<div class=t102 style="display:inline-table;text-align:initial;vertical-align:inherit;width:48.97959%;max-width:96px;">

<table role=presentation width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 class=t104><tr>

<td class=t105><div style="font-size:0px;"><img class=t106 style="display:block;border:0;height:auto;width:15%;Margin:0;max-width:25%;" width={image_width} height={image_height} src={image_public_url}></div></td>

Comments about the code: 

  • {image_width}  & {image_height} are display settings for the image you want to add in your signature. Please keep in mind that those settings are effected also from the table element display settings. So my recommendation here is, "feel free to customize it on your fit" 😎 (example width=50 height=50)
  • The {image_public_url} is the public URL for the image. This URL needs to be public so sharing URLs from Google Drive, Drobox etc. will not work. 😭

For those who already have a website, I would recommend to use an image's path from there, it works 100% 😎

Hope this will help you make improvements and create better user experiences. Below are some screenshots from an example. Please feel free to post here any kind of question and any incredible idea for improvements 😊.

Last but not least, in the same way we can embed call to action buttons in Gmail action 😉





Yours sincerely,
Dimitris Goudis 

26 Replies 26
18 - Pluto
18 - Pluto

Very cool! 😃🙌 Note that images in both Google Drive and Dropbox (and other cloud storage systems) can be made public, so you can use any cloud storage system that you would like for this.

6 - Interface Innovator
6 - Interface Innovator

Been looking for a way to do this for years now. However, my image is not loading.

Do you have any idea what could be?



Hey @giulia_mg

Where do you store your image and what type of the file is it? 


Hey Dimitris!

I've stored in on cloudinary as a png file.

Hey @giulia_mg

You need to use the public url for the asset. Here is the guide from cloudinary. To test if the url is public, you  can copy the url from the asset and past it on an incognito browser and see if this search returns the image, if it returns then you have the right url 🙂 

In case it doesn't work please post here and it would be pleasure to check case 🙂 


Hey @Dimitris_Goudis 

So, I checked and my email signature is public on cloudinary, but still not working.
This is how I'm writting on Airtable automation:

</td><td width=96 valign=top>

<div class=t102 style="display:inline-table;text-align:initial;vertical-align:inherit;width:48.97959%;max-width:96px;">

<table role=presentation width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 class=t104><tr>

<td class=t105><div style="font-size:0px;"><img class=t106 style="display:block;border:0;height:auto;width:15%;Margin:0;max-width:25%;" width={image_width} height={image_height} src={}></div></td>

Also, not so sure of which height and width would be the best fit...Any sugestion?


Hey @giulia_mg. Thanks for testing the script and texting me back. Regarding the url the problem is on brackets please clear them form the script for example: src= Also the underscores need encoding, so the easiest way to do this is to rename the document with no spaces and underscores. Regarding the image dimensions my suggestion is to perform some tests and choose the best on your image also. Please feel free to text us back for any further question. Yours sincerely, Dimitris Goudis

Dimitris, this worked great!!
Thank you soo much for all your help!

6 - Interface Innovator
6 - Interface Innovator

@Dimitris_Goudis is there a way to link the signature photo? Would like to link the image to my website if possible.