18 - Pluto
18 - Pluto
since ‎May 09, 2019

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  • 6,011 Posts
  • 799 Solutions
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What is the proposed idea/solution?In the configuration screen for a linked record field, show the name of the backlink field. This could be either read-only or editable. For same-table links, state that the field is a same-table link and does not ha...
What is the proposed idea/solution?Formula fields have recently gained the ability to be formatted as single selects and checkboxes.I propose that formula fields also have the ability to be formatted as users and rich text.How does is solve the user ...
I recently added two new scripts to my Automation Helper Scripts, based on recurring situations that I keep seeing in this community.sumTwoNumbers. This script adds two numbers together and outputs the sum. Use this script to increment a number field...
This blog post by Airtable recommends using Airtable as a DAM (digital asset management) tool.My company uses Airtable as a DAM, and when I was a consultant, I worked on projects involving using Airtable as a DAM. Airtable's blog article leaves out a...
I am the author of the Prefilled Forms extension. Over the past three years, many people have successfully used it to generate formulas for prefilling their Airtable forms with existing record data. Airtable does not give third party developers usage...