Hey @Stevan_Popovic! This looks like a mistake in the guide you linked. The API docs for table.createRecordsAsync have the correct syntax. Instead of table.createRecordsAsync([{ 'Name': "Dave"}]), you need to wrap you cell values in a fields object...
Hey, Kamille!
Unfortunately, Batch Update uses an old internal version of the SDK that isn’t compatible with the current one. In particular, the styling API used to create components like those selects won’t work at all in modern apps.
We are conside...
Hey Arvin!
This is something we’re looking into, but unfortunately we don’t have any sort of timeline yet for when the issue might be resolved.
As a workaround to use the UMD version and still get type definitions, you could try using an extra .d.ts ...
Hey @Bryony_Miles!
This should be working without any extra watch keys - useRecords should watch the list of records returned by the query result for you, so your react component should re-render whenever that list chages.
I tested this out with this...