6 - Interface Innovator
6 - Interface Innovator
since ‎May 12, 2017
‎Nov 29, 2022

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  • 12 Posts
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  • 6 Kudos given
  • 23 Kudos received

User Activity

Fixed! For a bit more of a ‘domestic’ application: Airtable Allowance and Chore Tracker - Airtable Universe Keep track of chores done, money earned, and money spent by "Bank of Mom" with mobile-friendly forms and vie...
My database has a lot of separate tables. A many of the tables “belong” or feed into certain other tables. It would be nice to “assign” a table to only those tables related to it and these subordinate tables are only viewed when the “parent” table ...
When a user clicks on a card (embedded in an iframe) to enlarge it, the pop up card has the icons for the data field. It would look a lot cleaner and more professional if were possible to not display these.
It’s cool that you have a URL link feature and a formula field, but if you had a field that combined those, that would be awesome. In my library, I’d like to have a field with the word “Check Out” and it being a dynamically generated link to the chec...
I’m using Airtable to build a team library. I’m using typical forms to have folks enter in data, and using iframes using grid/card view to display the data on a website. Since the card view has limited room (yes, you can click and enlarge, but…) it ...