5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast
since ‎Aug 11, 2021
‎Sep 06, 2023

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if you add an interface page with a gallery template it gives you options to set up filter elements tabs with different filter criteria for each tabbut if you start with a blank page and add a gallery element, those filter elements don't seem to be a...
when adding images in attachment fields is there a way(or extension) that can pull metadata from the image file like document title, description, keywords and add them/assign them to fields in Air Table?
Base A has two tables (table 1 &  table 2)table 1 has a "link to another record" field to table 2 is it possible to sync both tables to Base B and keep the "link to another record" fields intact so that data will continue to sync? or is this somethin...
I have a base that has a table for tags, a table with a list of clients, and a table with images in the images table I have images, a lookup field for the tags from the tags table, and then a lookup field for client client A’s red tagged images are ...
I have an attachment field where I upload jpgs. Is there a way for Airtable to get the date created from the jpg I uploaded (not the date the record was added to Airtable) and display it in another field?
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