16 - Uranus
16 - Uranus
since ‎Sep 04, 2018
‎Feb 04, 2025

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npm @airtable/blocks-cli Official command line tool for Airtable blocks development Does the public beta for the blocks cli allow the use of Webpack, Rollup, or another package to handle b...
Well, after all this time, its finally here: my custom app Master Calendar. What it does: Master Calendar is an app for Airtable that allows you to display and even edit records from multiple tables in one calendar interface as labeled, color-coded ...
Is there an easy way to show all “your” records across a base? No, not really. Which is why I’m developing a custom app do help do just that. Problem Say you have a table of [Projects], which has collaborator fields for {Project Lead} and {Project ...
As far as I can tell, the Batch Update app uses the React Select library to handle input components for single-select and multi-select fields (both “regular” and “collaborator” types). Can the source code for the Batch Update app be made public so ot...
I’ve noticed that when using .loadCSSFromString() the frontend renders multiple duplicates of the same <style>/<style> element in the DOM body. Is there a way around this that I’m missing? In the example below, .loadCSSFromString() is placed at top-...