4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer
since ‎Jul 19, 2023
‎Jan 18, 2024

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Hi All,how would I amend the formula below to include Working Days of Monday to Friday and working hours of 9am to 5:15 pm in the out put? INT(DATETIME_DIFF(NOW(), {Credit decision date}, 'hours')/24)&" Days "&MOD(DATETIME_DIFF(NOW(), {Credit decisio...
Hi All,How would I extract only the end of unique URLs on airtable. complete URL I want to extract 12345ad-2gh7-115a-07f569f605dif this helps the formula required is simi...
the ones high lighted yellow to return as blanksHi All,I've been trying to use the below formula to exclude weekends, so rather than showing 7 days to show 5 days instead. it seem to make sense using 3 but I'm not sure why? when the formula is return...